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NSC Game WIN for Girls Soccer!

Posted by Soccer - Girls at Feb 15, 2018 8:59AM PST ( 0 Comments )

This cold Valentines Day night provided an exciting atmosphere to start off some NCS action with AVHS girls soccer versus Freedom.

From the start, the Dons accelerated toward Freedoms net; in fact, scoring in the first 5 minutes, surprising Freedoms keeper with the fast assault. The goal came from one of many touches surrounding their net, demonstrating the Dons eagerness to play and their scoring intentions. 1-0 Dons up.
Although the 1st half had moments where a Freedoms players became concerning to the Dons defense, AVHS produced another score and essentially held Freedom, to end at halftime 2-0 ; Dons.

Second half hosted surprise speed from Freedom going forward, occasionally demanding Amador defense to stick near and tight. Although those moments circuitously came, in the 36 minute, Amador places another ball in the net from a persistent and strong froward, making it 3-0 Dons. Yet, In the 29th minute, Freedom players came at AVHS, who fouled at the top of the box- a free kick was taken by Freedom and place perfectly just under the crossbar, just out of the reach of Amador keeper; 3-1. The Dons answer that 3 minutes later with some teamwork passing that beaconed a goal; they secured it …4-1.

Although Freedom had stepped up their aggression in this last half, defense did their job and Freedom couldn’t finalize their shots with scores. Freedom’s keeper did keep several of Amador’s pinpoint shots from the net, thwarting The Don’s from demonstrating their overall control In this game. Yet, at the whistle, it was all Amador Victory; 4-1.

After last weeks Feb. 1 frustrating loss to Granada High school soccer team 4-0 under a Livermore sky, team Amador came out to play tonight on their home turf; always a plus.

The stage was set for a match with Carondelet vs. Amador Valley High School Girls Soccer Teams; a beautiful February night, and a celebration for the outgoing seniors-something to seer in their minds forever. The night began with a ceremony to applaud hardworking and talented seniors Keara Greenan, Molly Murphy, Hanna Fleshman, Hannah Landel, Tori Sanchez, Sydney Devor, and Nicole Zhang. It was a march out for Amador Seniors with family, to flowers and balloons, and a kind gesture for CHS Seniors to receive flowers from AVHS underclassmen. AVHS stadium applauded all the players, and coaches sent them to the sideline with hugs and handshakes- ready for a game.

Right from the whistle, Amador players had CHS working on defense, and Carondelet had few opportunities to challenge our keeper. Defensively, Amador had steady and challenging tackles from our defensive line, stopping any balls and CHS challengers in our top defensive third. Offensively, Amador had opportunities and shots, and a single score to the Cougar net was overturned by the referee, as AVHS was in the offsides position.
Ultimately, Dons and Cougars could not convert any opportunities to points on the scoreboard that would stick. Half time game score was zeros.

2nd half would begin with more energy. At 32.11 time, an Amador defensive clearance would find it’s way to our midfield, who would serve to a speedy attacker, then the final slot to a teammate who was awaiting to shoot..past the CHS keeper. Amador is up 1-0. Amador keeps up the pressure, using the momentum of a score, and outplaying CHS at this moment-and would score another goal to bring 2-0 to the board. Tho at the 28th minute, Cougars get playing. Stellar defensive tackles by Amador thwart their attack however, and counter repeatedly, producing shots but over the bar, wide and not hitting the net. 5 minutes later, CHS gets thru our defense fully for the 1st time and our keeper makes a great save. More to come for Amador Don keeper, as CHS pushes until the 20.49 clock- AVHS was under pressure, fielding 4-5 shots.

The last 15 minutes allowed AVHS Seniors to demonstrate their teamwork with fast breaks and crosses past the Carondelet net, and shots on the CHS goal, with some diving saves by CHS keeper. But Cougars would step up at the 8.55 minute, when Amador defends a crossed ball by CHS; Amador keeper saves the initial shot, it heads to our defense and an awaiting Carondelet player, who takes the advantage and scores. 2-1 Cougars would continue this momentum and pressure Amador, who holds out thru the last 8 minutes for a WIN on Senior Night!

Tonight we got a gorgeous evening, an exciting 2nd half to end in A WIN, and great AVHS teamwork among the players- something every senior wants to remember.

On this evening in Livermore, the Dons came out of the gates running. Under a large full moon, the cool Jan. 30th Tuesday night was a great time to be watching, for sure. From the 6 PM get-go, Amador penetrated the Cowboys defense and pressured heavily. The first 10 minutes was all Amador. Livermore had no grove, but Amador had 2 corners and 2 shots. But then, Amador saw why Livermore can be so dangerous; minute 31.32, Livermore sends a ball to a speedy forward and boom, goal. As Amador was burdened by the score, it felt the tide had turned, and demonstrated that the Dons should be careful of leaving several players unmarked, as they proved to be lightening fast and dangerously slippery. Alas, AVHS Defense held the game to a 1-0 halftime score!

Second half was like a tennis match and at times frantic; once one team had the other in their hands, they managed to slip away and random pushes to goal made each team mindful of the other. In the 29th minute, Amador places hi pressure on Livermore defense and AVHS wins the ball; the winger then sends the ball across the goal for a beautiful back post goal. 1-1. 2 minutes later, the Cowboys have had enough and counter. Amador gets lucky as Cowboys miss a dangerously close opportunity , and then consistently hit more several shots; shooting wide, high. The next 3 minutes are Livermore assaulting the goal; they get corners and yet can’t capitalize. Amador finally settles under pressure and counterattacks, with a wide player and a great shot; Livermore keeper has a phenomenal save and allows a corner…No goal still!

Again, Livermore displays their speed and as Amador pressures forward, the Dons get caught with a quick skilled player in their backfield, who slips a ball across AVHS goal and a midfielder is there to score. 2-1 Livermore. Not to be shy, Amador attacks and nearly hits the goal in the 14th minute. This plays out back and forth, for several minutes, and the Amador stellar marking of the speedy Cowboys player is doing the trick, or tiring both out. Livermore is forced to play who they have open, and Amador pressures, forcing defenders to cough up the ball; this misplay by the Cowboys gives an Amador forward the opportunity to slot a goal high and wide behind the Livermore keeper. 2-2 More excitement ensued but like the night, the game sits still with a 2-2 ending. Tie game-

Saturday, The Varsity Don’s hosted Liberty at Noon Jan 27th, after a cool and nail-biting win against Dublin Thursday 4-3. Dublin and Amador kept it exciting this past Thursday as they rallied in scoring, back and forth, back and forth! Final whistle tho; Amador prevails.

Today, although Amador Valley High School seemed to be favored to win as well, neither team in the first half held possession time and control to get the game to swing to their favor. And it seemed the sun took it’s time rallying all players as the first half was scoreless 0-0.

The second half brought more urgency and a bit more fouls – yellow cards stacked up for both teams, though Liberty had many more cautions.

Amador players began to weave their normal pass pass connection and things started looking up, as AVHS controlled more and more of the game.

Liberty continued to try to play their point forward and squeeze a goal past our AVHS keepers, but defense held most plays, and sent counter balls up field.

Don’s finalized forward motion by scoring on team oriented passing; 1st goal secured by midtime of the half and the 2nd coming near the end, off of a give and go and a subsequent laid off ball, tee’d up to snag the win.

A beautiful day to celebrate a 2nd win this week; final Amador Dons 2-0 Liberty.

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Amador Ties It Up Late but Cal Prevails

Posted by Soccer - Girls at Jan 24, 2018 9:02AM PST ( 0 Comments )

Amador High came off a tough Monday night game against Foothill, to play another solid opponent in Cal High.

From the first whistle, the game favored Cal High. Maybe it was that AVHS was on Grizzlies turf, or that the Dons were low-on-energy from last night’s emotional game, but Amador took the half to ramp up. Once there, their energy brought some goals to come from behind, making Cal answer their play.

Within the 1st half tho, energetic Cal had already surprised the Dons with two goals; both shot from outside the box, though one a driven ball, side netting and the other a high ball which dropped high and in behind, to make it 2-0 at half.

Second half was a testament to the Don attitude – never give up. Pushing forward and defending well, balls made their way to the point forwards, which proved to be what AVHS needed to roust some possibilities and score. They did and Amador tied the game 2-2.

The game got a bit more involved as the Grizzlies had some bodily tackles, unnecessarily rocking some Dons, and the crowd also reacted to some AVHS defensive stances as well. But referees kept a decent handle on the game and play continued.

Down to the last 10 minutes, it was a tied game up for grabs. Yet Cal High secures a corner kick and converts it into a goal, with a beautiful head ball from the back post. Amador persisted in their pursuits, never backing down but seemingly 1/2 step behind in securing control of the play.

At the buzzer, it was Cal High 3, Amador 2.

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