News & Announcements


AVHS Wall of Fame Inductees Honored!

by AVHS Athletic Booster Club, 2021-10-25T22:34:00.000-07:00October 25 2021, at 10:34 PM PDT in 2021-2022

Dear AVHS Family.
It is the AV Athletic Boosters honor to announce the inaugural class of inductees to the AVHS Wall of Fame. They were chosen from a large group of deserving athletes, community members and coaches that have contributed to AVHS over the years.
The first class of inductees are: Johanna... [more]
Past Announcements

2021-2022 Winter Sports Registration

2021-10-24 04:31 PDT by AVHS Athletic Booster Club

Hello AVHS student athletes and families. Its getting closer tot he start of Winter Sports,
Please visit the AVHS Athletics page (https:/... [more]

Spooktacular deals for AVHS apparel through whole month of October

2021-10-11 09:13 PDT by AVHS Athletic Booster Club

Hey Dons!
Check out this Spooktacular October deal:
This month our AVHS partners at Sideline St... [more]

Come grab your AV Athletic Boosters Swag Friday 10/8 430-630

2021-10-06 10:07 PDT by AVHS Athletic Booster Club

Hey there AVHS Athletic Boosters family.
Did you not make it to the epic Pigskin event and pick up your 2021-2022 AVHS Athletic Boos... [more]

***Local Scholarship Opportunities for AVHS Graduating Senior Student Athletes***

2021-04-05 05:55 PDT (2020-2021) by AVHS Athletic Booster Club (0 Comments)

Each Spring, the AVHS Athletic Boosters Club awards scholarships and grants to graduating Senior Athletes such as the Selway Scholarship($... [more]

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