
YOUR DRIVERS ED ONLINE Program to Support AV Boosters!

Posted by AVHS Athletic Booster Club on Oct 15 2020 at 11:58AM PDT in 2020-2021

Dear Amador High School parents and students,

Is it time for your son or daughter to get their driving permit? If so, the first step is the DRIVERS EDUCATION ONLINE PROGRAM.

It’s a huge milestone, and the first step in learning to drive safely!

Amador Boosters has partnered with the YOUR DRIVERS ED ONLINE program to ensure your teens success in step one of this exciting process. So, not only will they be more independent, but they will also learn to be safe.

This program is a state requirement, and the first step to getting your license.

Please check out this new Driver’s Ed Online program we’ve partnered with. Please make sure you DO NOT check the “Assets Program” but DO make sure you choose AMADOR HIGH school and fill in ALAMEDA COUNTY. This way, Amador Boosters will get the credit, thus helping our Amador athletic program. Register on-line now at

During these challenging times, this will greatly help our athletic program, and the entire student body!

Thank you!


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