
Lady Dons Soccer Winds Up Regular Season Against Foothill on Senior Night

Posted by Jeff Allen on Feb 10 2017 at 11:30AM PST in 2016-2017

Throughout Wednesday and Thursday of this week lots of fingers and toes were being crossed hoping that the weather and field would hold up so that the Lady Don Seniors could be honored at their final home game against cross town rival Foothill. And, that’s just what happened. The skies cleared (for most of the game) and a wonderful celebration was conducted and a great soccer game was played.

Prior to the start of the game, the 10 Amador seniors were accompanied onto the field by family and friends while a rousing tribute was read to each of them. This is a culmination of many years of play and devotion to their school and the event couldn’t have been more perfect. The 10 Amador Valley seniors (in order of procession) are: Juliet Allen, Shanece Hunsaker, Katie Judson, Lorna Roberts, Alyssa Bardakos, Samantha Frost, Emily Mickelson, Sammy Lai, Jenyce Dutcher and Summer Langsam. Tracy Greenam and her helpers did such a wonderful job decorating the field with colorful balloons, cute messages to the girls and a jersey with the numbers! The fan support was awesome too with lots of cheers all around. Congratulations to each of these awesome girls and best of luck in the next phase of their lives.

With so much emotion from the senior night festivities it’s no wonder that when the game started, the Lady Dons were pumped. Amador played as if they were possessed and dominated control of the game from the opening whistle. Amador got on the board first off of a corner kick from Sam Frost as the ball was headed over 4 times back and forth in the goal box before Julia Gonsman finally put it over the goalkeeper’s head and into the net. Amador was on top 1 – 0. But, as often happens, the opposing team was inspired too and were able to equalize only 5 minutes later as a Foothill forward sneakily got through the Amador back line and went one-on-one with keeper Allen. Allen was able to deflect the initial shot with a hand save but it was promptly kicked into the goal off the deflection. Most thought it would go into half tied 1 -1 but to the Amador fans delight, Amador was able to snag a second goal before half on probably one of the most impressive goals of the season. Sammy Lai redirected a Sam Frost cross into the top side of the goal to put Amador back in front – wish we had replay – that was one sensational combination. At half, Amador led by a score of 2 – 1.

The wind started to pick up in the second half as did the rain and those in the stands could sense a bit of a change of momentum as Foothill started organizing runs one after another. The defense of Gonsman, Mickelson, Hunter, Landal, Dutcher, Hunsaker and Greenam were able to keep them from scoring for a bit with some great team coverage and solid play by Allen but the pressure just became too intense. Foothill equalized the score midway through the second half with a blistering shot from the top of the 18 that Allen got a glove on but was unable to keep out. Amador had multiple chances following the tied score but couldn’t get one past the Foothill defense. Then, as the rain picked up intensity, Foothill drew a foul outside the 18 yard box (and in this writer’s opinion on a questionable foul) and was able to thread a low, hot kick through the defense and into the side net. Amador valiantly attempted to come back but to no avail. The game ended with the rain coming down hard with a final score of Foothill 3 – Amador Valley 2.

That brings the Amador Valley final record to 9 wins, 8 losses and 2 ties for the season – remarkable!!!! We hope to get an NCS bid as we played all teams tough and we are incredibly proud of all of our girls!

Thanks for the great season thus far and back with you for NCS (again, fingers crossed.)


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