

Tuesday April 12, Amador 17 @ Dougherty Valley 8

Posted by AV Girls LAX - Varsity on May 01 2019 at 08:08PM PDT in 2018-2019

The Dougherty Valley Wildcats are having an unusually down season but were ready to turn up the pressure against the Dons. Amador came out of the gate winning the draw easily, but a quick turnover saw the Wildcats run straight down the field for a goal. Another bad pass by the Dons over the goalie resulted in an interception. Dougherty Valley would subsequently drive strong and score again. A sloppy draw violation resulted in another quick Dougherty Valley goal to give the Wildcats a 0-3 advantage. The Dons were a bit lackadaisical and it cost them a slow start. The Dons would begin to right the ship with back to back drives by Bella Mayo resulting in goals. Amador would threaten but the Wildcat goalie would earn to saves and send their offense on the attack. Madelynn Riddle would earn her first save, but an unfortunate bounce would give the Wildcats a second chance scoring opportunity, that they would not squander. Lily Manos would check loose Dougherty Valley’s draw win. Amador would reward her effort by cycling the ball back to her for a drive from the right wing to knot up the match at 4-4. Amador would quickly return to offense. Kalenna Johnson’s, then Sam Nimmo’s shot would be deflected by the goalie. Johnson would knock down the goalie outlet pass and return the rock to Bella Mayo who was lurking inside the 8 meter. Mayo wouldn’t be denied to give the Dons their first lead. Amador would have their defense tested once more. Alexis Bayani would earn a knockdown of a pass and exert heavy pressure. Unfortunately miscommunication would result in her colliding with another Don allowing for an easy Wildcat drive to goal. Amador would go on a furious run of goals by Mayo, Mady Sweeney, and Sam Nimmo to close the half at 9-5. Amador closed strong with swift drives and sure penalty shots.

Marley Diligent would open the second half with a curl from X to score her first goal of the match. Victoria Frenz joined in with two back to back drives. Her second drive was particularly sweet. Frenz would receive the ball in the right wing and slide left through the 8 meter as her shot sailed high right into the net. Alex Lovelock picked up her first penalty save of the second half. The sophomore has been doing a very respectable job at goalie with only minimal experience at the position. She was rewarded with solid attack time during the first half. Despite not scoring she proved a solid addition on offense. Good team defense saved a follow up shot attempt by the Wildcats and the transition via Lily Manos was on. Mayo would complete the sequence with a strong drive and goal to give the Dons a commanding 13-5 lead. Amador at this point was in control and would continue to run an efficient offense and stifling defense. The match would close as an 18-8 victory for Amador. Amador did have the challenge of multiple players still injured or recovering from injury. Despite the thin roster, everyone was still hoping that the positive momentum would carry forward to a tough match up against a very good Sacred Heart Prep team next Tuesday.

by Jake Bayani


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